Job Details
- Expires 14 September 5 days left to apply
- Reference number: UFSCHEM103
- Province: Free State
- Type of engagement: Permanent appointment
- Posted: August 15th
Background to Position
The Department of Chemistry at the University of the Free State has two full-time, two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships available for research in Materials Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, including polymer science and/or nano-chemistry.
Job Description
- Register and reside as postdoctoral research fellow at the UFS and participate in relevant activities of the School of Postgraduate Studies and the Directorate of Research
- Do innovative research polymers in agriculture and/or innovative organic synthesis;
- Author/co-author at least three (3) publication outputs per year in the form of DHET–accredited scholarly journal articles or books/chapters in books;
- Assist in postgraduate supervision;
Inherent Criteria
Desired skills and experience:
- Candidates with PhDs in Chemistry or related fields are encouraged to apply. The successful candidates will be required to conduct innovative research on polymers and nanomaterials with agricultural applications and/or organic synthesis of small molecules of high value.
- The fellowships are open to all South African and foreign nationals, who graduated with a PhD degree in a relevant discipline within the last five years. Applicants must be able to relocate to the UFS for the duration of the fellowship.
Which disciplines does your ideal candidate come from?
Chemistry specializing in polymer or nanochemistry and/or organic chemistry synthesis
Application Requirement
To apply, please email the following documentation by 1 November 2024 to Prof HG Visser:
- Motivation letter, including a 1-2 page outline of relevant expertise and experience;
- Full CV including a list of research publications, conference papers and other scholarly output;
- Full transcripts of academic record and copy of doctoral degree certificate;
- Copy of ID document (or copy of passport in the case of foreign applicants);
- Contact details of two academic referees who have taught/supervised the candidate