Job Details
- Expires 22 September 13 days left to apply
- Province: Free State
- Type of engagement: Permanent appointment
- Posted: August 23rd
Background to Position
Will be functioning as a postdoctoral researcher within the Pharmacology AMITD Research platform at the Bloemfontein campus of at the University of the Free State.
Job Description
- Conduct innovative research in the following areas: Pharmacology research, ethnopharmacology, Pharmaceutical pharmacology, molecular pharmacology drug discovery and development. Participate Traditional medicines database, monograph project.
- Assist in teaching and training of Pharmacology postgraduate students and participate in all departmental academic programs and activities.
- Cosupervision of postgraduate students and participate in all AMITD academic activities.
- Responsible for writing grant your own applications and assist in co-ordinating some of the pharmacology IKS research projects.
- Contribute to the development and innovation of the research unit.
Inherent Criteria
- Candidates with a PhD degree in Pharmacology, Biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences or Pharmacy (DPharm), biotechnology encouraged to apply.
- Applicants whose PhD degrees are 5 years and older should not apply. Persons in full or contract employment may not apply.
- Experience in research proposal development and ethics application requirements.
- Portfolio in academic writing with at least 3 first author publications per year in DHET accredited journals. Publish original research scientific publications in the field of postdoctoral fellowship post.
- Experience in pharmacology, Biochemistry, biotechnology, microbiology or pharmaceutical or Pharmacy laboratory research is a requirement.
- The Pharmacology department is looking for postdoctoral fellows with experience and interest to work on our natural medicines research. Candidates with experience in molecular pharmacology, biochemistry for herbal drug discovery are strongly encouraged to apply. Candidates with proven experience in preclinical pharmacology research and in analytical instruments such as HPLC, Flash chromatography, IR, LC-MS (Agilent HRMS) and purification of natural products research. Experience in database development, knowledge of developing monographs and the use of machine learning in databases will be key.
- The fellowship is awarded on a competitive basis, taking into account the applicants' academic achievements, publication outputs and research potential, as well as the relevance of prior experience and expertise. The fellowship is available for a period of two years, renewable for up to maximum five years subject to satisfactory performance. Potential candidates may be interviewed
Application Requirement
Apply via email