41 jobs matching query

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Stellenbosch UniversityFaculty of Economic and Management Sciences Stellenbosch Business School(Bellville Park Campus)Part-time (5/8) Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Data Analytics and Decision Sciences Ref. EBW04/294/1024Stellenbosch Business School was the first African business school to re...
LOCATION:  StellenboschThe Department of Economics at Stellenbosch University in South Africa invites applications for a position in macroeconomics. Applicants are expected to be dedicated academics, excellent teachers, have a strong research agenda and be capable of publishing in leading peer-...
Part-time (5/8) Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Data Analytics and Decision Sciences Stellenbosch UniversityFaculty of Economic and Management Sciences Stellenbosch Business School(Bellville Park Campus)Ref. EBW04/294/1024Stellenbosch Business School was the first African business school to re...
Stellenbosch UniversityFaculty of Economic and Management SciencesDean: Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (Five-year term with the possibility of reappointment foranother term)Ref. EBW00/270/1024Stellenbosch University (SU) is a research-intensive university where we attract outstandi...
Stellenbosch UniversityFaculty of Economic and Management SciencesCentre for Sustainability Transitions (CST)Researcher / Senior Researcher / Associate Professor: Biodiversity and the Economy(Two-year fixed-term contract with the option of benefits)Ref. EBW13/235/0924The Centre for Sustainability Tr...
Senior Director: Stellenbosch Business School (SD: SBS)Stellenbosch UniversityStellenbosch Business SchoolSenior Director: Stellenbosch Business School (SD: SBS)Ref: EBW04/211/0824The Stellenbosch Business School (SBS) at Stellenbosch University (SU) is a triple crown (EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB) accredi...
Stellenbosch UniversityFaculty of Economic and Management SciencesDepartment of EconomicsProfessor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer in MacroeconomicsRef. EBW02/158/0624The Department of Economics at Stellenbosch University (SU) in South Africa invites applications for a position in macroecono...
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural SciencesDepartment Quantity Surveying and Construction ManagementBloemfontein CampusAssociate Professor/ Professor (Permanent appointment) and Academic Head of Department (Contract appointment: 5 years, with the possibility of serving a second term)Job ID: 5735Thi...
IncubatorBloemfontein CampusAssistant Director – Business Coach (post level 7) (Contract appointment: 5 years)Job ID: 5734This post was previously advertised as Job ID 5507 and Job ID 5678. All applications received in response to the previous advertisement will automatically be considered again. Pr...
The BER is launching a new research initiative in response to the demand from its donors and the South African business community at large. The research initiative will focus on economic growth in South Africa.The national government has announced an economic reform programme. This programme is buil...