Stellenbosch University

Stellenbosch University
Western Cape
Stellenbosch University (SU) is home to an academic community of 29 000 students (including 4 000 foreign students from 100 countries) as well as 3 000 permanent staff members (including 1 000 academics) on five campuses. ​The historical oak-lined university town amongst the Boland Mountains in the winelands of the Western Cape creates a unique campus atmosphere, which attracts local and foreign students alike. On the main campus, paved walkways wind between campus buildings – some dating from previous centuries; others just a few years old. Architecture from various eras attests to the sound academic foundation and establishment of an institution of excellence. This, together with the scenic beauty of the area; state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly facilities and technology, as well as visionary thinking about the creation of a sustainable 21st-century institution, makes for the unique character of Stellenbosch University.

Jobs at Stellenbosch University

Job ID Job Title Created Expiry
NW08/004/0125 Junior Lecturer (Two posts): Applied Mathematics Division (Three-year fixed-term contract) 17-01-2025 31-01-2025
NW02/342/1224 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science 06-01-2025 31-01-2025
OPV01/321/1124 Senior Lecturer: Language and Literacy Education (Afrikaans) – Foundation Phase 13-12-2024 10-01-2025
EBW04/320/1124 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: Futures Studies 13-12-2024 10-01-2025
EBW04/318/1124 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: Development Finance 13-12-2024 10-01-2025
EBW02/317/1124 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in Macroeconomics with DSGE Modelling 12-12-2024 10-01-2025
EBW06/310/1124 Lecturer: School of Accountancy (One or more positions) 12-12-2024 10-01-2025
EBW06/311/1124 Lecturer: School of Accountancy 12-12-2024 10-01-2025
EBW04/294/1024 Part-time (5/8) Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Data Analytics and Decision Sciences 22-11-2024 10-01-2025
NW00/302/1024 Director Designate: Faculty Management 05-11-2024 22-11-2024
OPV01/300/1024 Lecturer in Mathematics Education 05-11-2024 29-11-2024
EBW04/294/1024 Part-time (5/8) Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Data Analytics and Decision Sciences 05-11-2024 22-11-2024
TGB15/292/1024 Lecturer: Physiotherapy Division 05-11-2024 18-11-2024
TGB16/284/1024 Lecturer in Rural Health 24-10-2024 11-11-2024
RG03/281/1024 Lecturer: Department of Public Law 18-10-2024 31-10-2024
AW02/267/1024 Lecturer: Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology 18-10-2024 28-10-2024
OPV01/264/0924 Senior Lecturer: Language and Literacy Education (Afrikaans) – Foundation Phase 14-10-2024 25-10-2024
EBW00/270/1024 Dean: Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences 08-10-2024 29-11-2024
OPV03/258/0924 Lecturer: Department of Educational Psychology 01-10-2024 18-10-2024
OPV01/247/0924 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Geography and/or Environmental Education 27-09-2024 15-10-2024
AW09/241/0924 Lecturer: Department of Animal Sciences 26-09-2024 07-10-2024
EBW13/235/0924 Researcher / Senior Researcher / Associate Professor: Biodiversity and the Economy 25-09-2024 11-10-2024
ASI/255/0924 Project and Strategic Fund Manager: Strategic Initiatives and Information Governance Division 25-09-2024 04-10-2024
ASI/254/0924 Project Manager: Strategic Initiatives and Information Governance Division 25-09-2024 04-10-2024
ASI/252/0924 Information Governance Officer: Strategic Initiatives and Information Governance Division 25-09-2024 04-10-2024
TGB17/220/0824 Lecturer: Department of Nursing and Midwifery 03-09-2024 16-09-2024
EBW04/211/0824 Senior Director: Stellenbosch Business School (SD: SBS) 23-08-2024 11-10-2024
TGB18/190/0724 Lecturer: Department of Exercise, Sport and Lifestyle Medicine 20-08-2024 26-08-2024
RG03/202/0824 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: International Law 15-08-2024 26-08-2024
ING03/187/0724 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering 12-08-2024 26-08-2024
OPV01/181/0724 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in Mathematics Education (One post) 12-08-2024 02-09-2024
ING05/186/0724 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Civil Engineering Water and Wastewater Treatment 12-08-2024 26-08-2024
LSW09/184/0724 Lecturer: Department of History 07-08-2024 23-08-2024
LSW15/177/0724 Lecturer in International Relations 07-08-2024 23-08-2024
TGB16/182/0724 Lecturer: Public Health / Health Systems 07-08-2024 19-08-2024
LSW03/176/0724 Lecturer or Junior Lecturer: Department of General Linguistics 07-08-2024 16-08-2024
EBW02/158/0624 Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer in Macroeconomics 06-08-2024 30-08-2024
LSW10/170/0724 Lecturer: Department of Information Science 02-08-2024 12-08-2024
TGB16/159/0624 Senior Lecturer: Division of Disability and Rehabilitation Studies 05-07-2024 31-07-2024
OPV01/152/0624 Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer: Afrikaans Huistaalonderrig 26-06-2024 22-07-2024
RG03/151/0624 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: International Law 26-06-2024 15-07-2024
ING01/145/0624 Lecturer: Data Science 25-06-2024 15-07-2024
TGB19/134/0524 Professor / Associate Professor: Executive Head of Department 24-06-2024 19-07-2024
TGB17/144/0624 Lecturer: Department of Nursing and Midwifery 21-06-2024 10-07-2024
LSW07/136/0524 Lecturer (nGAP): Department of Philosophy 21-06-2024 08-07-2024
OPV01/128/0524 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Mathematics Education (Two posts) 14-06-2024 01-07-2024
KD/139/0624 Director: Transport Services (Job Level 5) 14-06-2024 01-07-2024
OPV01/140/0624 Lecturer: Language and Literacy (Afrikaans) – Foundation Phase 13-06-2024 01-07-2024
LSW00/108/0524 Dean: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 10-06-2024 28-06-2024
OPV01/123/0523 Lecturer (Intermediate Phase): isiXhosa Language Education and Literacy 10-06-2024 14-06-2024
LSW08/100/0424 Lecturer: Geographical Information Technology 04-06-2024 28-06-2024
KGD/124/0524 Senior Director: Campus Health Service 03-06-2024 24-06-2024
OPV03/102/0424 Lecturer: Department of Educational Psychology 03-06-2024 14-06-2024
ING03/104/0524 Junior Lecturer: Voigt Chair 03-06-2024 07-06-2024
NW03/106/0524 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Physics 31-05-2024 19-06-2024
ING03/105/0524 Part-time Junior Lecturer: PhD Candidate (Two posts) 20-05-2024 28-05-2024
LSW08/098/0424 Lecturer in Urban and Regional Planning 20-05-2024 31-05-2024
TGB04/103/0424 Senior Research Assistant 17-05-2024 28-05-2024
EBW10/090/0424 Senior Economist: Bureau for Economic Research (BER) 07-05-2024 15-05-2024
LSW10/084/0424 Professor / Associate Professor: Department of Information Science 03-05-2024 13-05-2024
Postdoctoral research fellow: Chemical Engineering 26-04-2024 31-05-2024
RG03/089/0424 Lecturer: Department of Public Law 23-04-2024 17-05-2024
LSW08/085/0424 Lecturer: Physical Geography 22-04-2024 13-05-2024
NW05/081/0424 Junior Lecturer: Department of Earth Sciences 22-04-2024 08-05-2024
TGB02/070/0324 Research Assistant in the TB Genomics Group 12-04-2024 25-04-2024
EBW04/075/0424 Director: Operations 12-04-2024 03-05-2024
NW04/074/0424 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Physiological Sciences 12-04-2024 30-04-2024
TGB15/065/0324 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer / Physiotherapist 05-04-2024 25-04-2024
TGB04/048/0324 Professor / Associate Professor and Executive Head of Department / Head of a Clinical Department (Jo 28-03-2024 22-04-2024
NW08/061/0324 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Mathematical Sciences (Undergraduate teaching position) 28-03-2024 19-04-2024
EBW05/041/0224 Lecturer in Investment Management 22-03-2024 28-03-2024
EBW05/038/0224 Lecturer in Financial Management 22-03-2024 28-03-2024
NW08/033/0224 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Applied Mathematics Division 22-03-2024 28-03-2024
NW02/032/0224 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science 14-03-2024 22-03-2024
TGB15/029/0224 Lecturer / Therapist in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 16-02-2024 08-03-2024
ING02/006/0124 Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: Robotics and Control Systems 09-02-2024 19-02-2024
RG01/002/0124 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Mercantile Law 08-02-2024 16-02-2024
ING05/296/1023 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in Fire Safety Engineering 10-11-2023 15-11-2023
OPV01/292/1023 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Mathematics Education 27-10-2023 10-11-2023
OPV01/291/1023 Lecturer: Language and Literacy (Afrikaans) – Foundation Phase 27-10-2023 07-11-2023
OPV06/290/1023 Director: SUNCEP 27-10-2023 10-11-2023
OPV01/287/1023 Lecturer: Life Skills in Educational Studies 27-10-2023 03-11-2023
REG/282/1023 Director: Legal Services 27-10-2023 31-10-2023
OPV02/280/0923 Professor / Associate Professor: Educational Leadership and Management Faculty of Education 27-10-2023 31-10-2023
ING04/276/0923 Lecturer / Junior Lecturer: Department of Chemical Engineering 26-10-2023 30-10-2023
AW07/274/0923 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Agri-Informatics 26-10-2023 30-10-2023
TGB16/267/0923 Researcher: Department of Global Health 09-10-2023 16-10-2023
TGB16/266/0923 Researcher: Department of Global Health 09-10-2023 16-10-2023
TGB16/265/0923 Researcher: Department of Global Health 09-10-2023 16-10-2023
EBW04/262/0923 Manager: Operations 03-10-2023 19-10-2023
Ref. TGB05/248/0923 Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer and Head of Emergency Medicine (Professional Equiv 03-10-2023 16-10-2023
IT/258/0923 Senior Analyst: Information Technology 21-09-2023 06-10-2023
SDR/256/0923 Grants Manager: School for Data Science and Computational Thinking 20-09-2023 29-09-2023
LSW20/247/0823 Lecturer: Monitoring and Evaluation 20-09-2023 26-09-2023
EBW01/238/0823 Professor / Associate Professor: Department of Industrial Psychology 15-09-2023 22-09-2023
NW08/246/0823 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Mathematical Sciences 15-09-2023 18-09-2023
REG/244/0823 Senior Manager: Academic Administration (Chief Administrative Officer) 08-09-2023 15-09-2023
IT/250/0923 Chief Director: Information Technology 08-09-2023 29-09-2023
NW08/233/0823 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Mathematical Sciences 18-08-2023 07-09-2023
TGB02/227/0823 Research Nurse 17-08-2023 05-09-2023
AW06/221/0723 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Horticultural Science 03-08-2023 21-08-2023
TGB05/216/0723 Lecturer: Family Medicine and Primary Care 03-08-2023 18-08-2023
EBW07/214/0723 Senior Lecturer: Environmental Management 02-08-2023 14-08-2023
TGB07/208/0723 Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer and Head of Anatomical Pathology Division 31-07-2023 29-08-2023
EBW04/210/0723 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Project Management 26-07-2023 15-08-2023
IT/206/0723 Lead Solutions Architect: Information Technology 25-07-2023 04-08-2023
EBW06/194/0623 Lecturer: School of Accountancy (One or more posts) 12-07-2023 28-07-2023
OPV02/200/0623 Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: Philosophy of Education 12-07-2023 25-07-2023
OPV01/199/0623 Lecturer: Language and Literacy (Afrikaans) (Foundation Phase) 11-07-2023 28-07-2023
TGB03/196/0623 Professor / Associate Professor and Head of Division (Head of Clinical Department): General Surgery 07-07-2023 15-09-2023
TGB06/197/0623 Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer and Head of Division (Head of Clinical Department) 07-07-2023 27-07-2023
RG01/198/0623 Gys Steyn Chair: Financial Regulation 05-07-2023 15-08-2023
OPV03/190/0623 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: Department of Educational Psychology 05-07-2023 31-07-2023
ING03/182/0623 Senior Lecturer: Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering 05-07-2023 17-07-2023
ING05/183/0623 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer / Junior Lecturer: Geotechnical Engineering 30-06-2023 14-07-2023
EBW12/178/0623 Director: Support Services Centre for Statistical Consultation 30-06-2023 28-07-2023
IT/187/0623 Director: Institutional Software Solutions 30-06-2023 03-07-2023
TS/186/0623 Head: Academic and Professional Literacies 27-06-2023 07-07-2023
NW02/176/0623 Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science 19-06-2023 23-06-2023
TGB00/140/0523 Undergraduate Research Coordinator 06-06-2023 15-06-2023
TGB17/144/0523 Lecturer: Department of Nursing and Midwifery 30-05-2023 09-06-2023
RG01/117/0423 Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer: Mercantile Law 30-05-2023 12-06-2023
ING01/131/0523 Lecturer /Jnr. Lecturer in the 4th Industrial Revolution (Focus: Internet of Things) (PhD Candidate) 29-05-2023 05-06-2023
TGB16/115/0423 Senior Lecturer/Lecturer: Department of Global Health 29-05-2023 30-06-2023
GIB001 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship: Trackside monitoring technologies for train condition 24-10-2022 24-11-2022