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Stellenbosch UniversityFaculty of Economic and Management Sciences Stellenbosch Business School(Bellville Park Campus)Part-time (5/8) Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Data Analytics and Decision Sciences Ref. EBW04/294/1024Stellenbosch Business School was the first African business school to re...
LOCATION: StellenboschThe Department of Economics at Stellenbosch University in South Africa invites applications for a position in macroeconomics. Applicants are expected to be dedicated academics, excellent teachers, have a strong research agenda and be capable of publishing in leading peer-...
LOCATION: PretoriaThe University of South Africa (UNISA) is the largest comprehensive open distance e-learning (CODeL) institution in Africa and the longest complex standing dedicated distance education university in the world, nurturing aspirant leaders of tomorrow and motivating a future generatio...
LOCATION: PretoriaThe University of South Africa (UNISA) is the largest comprehensive open distance e-learning (CODeL) institution in Africa and the longest complex standing dedicated distance education university in the world, nurturing aspirant leaders of tomorrow and motivating a future generatio...